Coach Jomo

Services & Rates

1x/week (1on1 Fitness Training) (Monthly)

55 minutes: $320

1x week (55)minute Training Session, Nutrition Recommendation, Structured Exercise Program, Progress Monitoring, * Coaching and Accountability.

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2x/week (1on1 Fitness Training) (Monthly)

55 minutes: $599

2x week (55)minute Training Session,

Nutrition Recommendations, Structured

Exercise Program, Progress Monitoring, *

Coaching and Accountability.

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3x/week (1on1 Fitness Training) (Monthly)

55 minutes: $870

3x week (55)minute Training Session,
Nutrition Recommendation, Structured
Exercise Program, Progress Monitoring, *
Coaching and Accountability.

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20(pack) Training Sessions

55 minutes: $1500

20 pack of (55)minute Training Sessions,

Nutrition Recommendation, Structured

Exercise Program, Progress Monitoring, *

Coaching and Accountability.


*Sessions must be used within 12 month of purchase.

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45(Pack) Training Sessions

55 minutes: $3150

45 pack of (55)minute Training Sessions,

Nutrition Recommendation, Structured

Exercise Program, Progress Monitoring, *

Coaching and Accountability.


*Sessions must be used within 12 month of purchase.

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MAG2 Fat Loss Program. PDF

4-weeks: $375

This program will help you zero in on your Fat Loss goals. It includes a customized nutrition plan, 4 weeks of coaching and fat loss monitoring. Client will receive the necessary support and detailed strategies to help attain fatloss goal. *PDF format

*Does not include in person training

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MAG2 Workout Plan PDF.

A comprehensive 5 day workout plan, that will help tone and tighten your body.

*In PDF form

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Youth Fitness Training Group(Monthly)

55 minutes: $160

A solid youth fitness program that focuses on teambuilding, participation, proper form, and inclusivity. Intended to help youth find and foster a passion for their overall health and well-being. 

(4) Sessions: $160

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